BT Discontinuation FAQ

| July 11, 2023

Bariatric Times will cease publication in print, effective immediately. Click here for a link to the press release announcement. Below is more information on what’s next for BT:

Q: Will Bariatric Times have any more issues?

A: Yes, our final issue will be a digital-only November-December 2023 issue.

Q: My article was already accepted via peer review, will it still be published?

A: Yes, all articles that have already been accepted via peer review will be published. Authors will have the option to have their article published immediately on our website only, or they can be included in the digital-only November-December 2023 issue.

Q: Can I submit a new article prior to the November-December 2023 issue?

A: No, we are not accepting new submissions at this time.

Q: Can I still subscribe to receive digital programs that BT publishes?

A: Yes! We are planning to still publish digital campaigns such as Spotlight on Technology articles, supplements, and e-Newsletters. You can subscribe on the website at

Q: What will happen to articles that BT has already published?

A: We are planning to keep the BT website online for the foreseeable future, and all articles are still accessible via CINAHL® Plus with Full Text. All digital editions of the journal and supplements will be available for 1 year from their publication date.

Q: Who should I contact about sponsoring a digital program?

A: Please contact Emily Scullin ([email protected]) or Shannon Gillespie ([email protected]) for sponsorship opportunities.

Q: Who should I contact about ordering reprints of a specific article or issue? What about archived print copies?

A: Please contact Austin Vitelli ([email protected]) for more information about reprints or archived print copies.

Examples of Digital Programs

Category: General

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