Author Archive: BT Online Editor
Management and Outcomes of Pregnancy following Bariatric Surgery
by Jane A. Alston and Giselle G. Hamad, MD, FACS Ms. Alston is from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Hamad is with University of Pittsburgh Department of Surgery, Division of Minimally Invasive Bariatric and General Surgery.

Navigating the Preauthorization Maze
by Susan Gallagher Camden, RN, MSN, WCON, PhD; and Anita Houle Susan Gallagher Camden, PhD, RN, MA, MSN, CBN, is from the Celebration Institute, Inc., Houston, Texas; Anita Houle is Insurance Authorization Specialist, Cleveland Clinic Florida Bariatric Institute, Weston, Florida. Introduction In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of weight […]
Letter to the Editor: Obesity Bias Affects Diabetes Management…
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: On January 23, 2008, the headline on the front page of the New York Times read, “Diabetes Study Favors Surgery to Treat Obese.” With front page news stories in addition to television newscasts reporting the benefit of surgical procedures for the treatment of diabetes, it is logical to assume that the […]
Consultant’s Corner: Understanding Bariatric Risk—A Legal, Clinical, and Customer Service Focus
by James W. Saxton, JD; Maggie M. Finkelstein, JD; and Susan Gallagher Camden, RN, MSN, PhD All from Stevens & Lee, Lawyers and Consultants

Temporary Covered Stents for the Treatment of Anastomotic Leaks Following Gastric Bypass Surgery
by Jerome Lyn-Sue, MD; Kimberley Steele, MD; Michael A. Schweitzer, MD; Thomas Magnuson, MD; Anne Lidor, MD; Anirban Gupta, MD; and Patrick Okolo, MD. All from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. Introduction Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most effective and most commonly performed bariatric surgical procedure in the United States.1 While improvements […]
Depression after Bariatric Surgery: Triggers, Identification, Treatment, and Prevention
by Cynthia L. Alexander, PsyD
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