Author Archive: BT Online Editor
Access to the Bypassed Stomach after RYGB
by Gregory Dakin, MD Assistant Professor of Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York

Healthcare Economics of Weight Loss Surgery
by Limaris Barrios, MD, and Daniel B. Jones, MD From Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
A New Resource for Potential Patients
by Jeff W. Allen, MD Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

Thighlift After Bariatric Body Contouring Surgery
by Michele Shermak, MD, FACS Dr. Shermak is Chief of Plastic Surgery, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

Urinary Calculi and Bariatric Surgery
by Carolyn F. Langford, DO; Verena Mueller; and Gamal M. Ghoniem, MD, FACS All from Cleveland Clinic Florida

Resolution of Fibromyalgia Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
by Michael J. Boros, MD; Mohamed H. Elgamal, MD; and Alan A. Saber, MD, MS, FACS Dr. Boros is Chief Surgical Resident, Dr. Elgamal is Surgical Resident, and Dr. Saber is Chief of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Bariatric Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery—All with Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Malpractice Preventative Maintenance: Record Protocols and Happy Lawyers
by Julie M. Janeway, BBA, MSA, JD From Little Victories™ Medical/Legal Consulting & Training, Onondaga, Michigan
Revision Procedures for Failed Gastric Bypass
by Manish Parikh, MD; Marc Bessler, MD Both from Center for Obesity Surgery, Columbia University, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York
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