Author Archive: BT Online Editor
The Value of Ongoing Psychological Support for the Bariatric Patient, Surgeon, and Multidisciplinary Team
by Carol Bradley, RN, CS, MSN From the Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center; Adjunct Clinical Professor, Orvis School of Nursing, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada Background There is increasing consensus that bariatric surgery is superior to medical intervention for long-term weight loss in morbidly obese persons.[1] Most postoperative patients are able to lose a significant […]

The International Bariatric Surgery Registry
by Edward E. Mason, MD, PhD, FACS; and Kathleen E. Renquist, BS Dr. Mason and Ms. Renquist are from The Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Department of Surgery; The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Abstract Objective: To report the 20-year experience of a large data repository for surgical treatment of […]
DEPOSITIONS: What Your Lawyer May Have Forgotten To Tell You
by Julie M. Janeway, BBA, MSA, JD Julie M. Janeway, BBA, MSA, JD, is from Little Victories™ Medical/Legal Consulting & Training in Onondaga, Michigan. Introduction If you are working as a healthcare provider in the US, chances are exceptionally high that you will at some point be called as a witness or a defendant in […]
Kitchen Management for the Bariatric Patient
by Dave Fouts Dave Fouts is the corporate chef for Western Bariatric Institute ( and Imetobolic. You can visit for free recipes, grocery shopping planning lists, weekly meal planners, and more. Introduction “Eating out saves time and works well within my schedule.” I challenge this statement all the time; however, there are pros and […]

Laparoscopic Gastric Band Adjustments
by Jaime Ponce, MD, FACS Dr. Ponce is Director for Bariatric Surgery, Dalton Surgical Group, PC, Hamilton Medical Center, Dalton, Georgia. Introduction One of the key features of the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) procedure is its adjustability.[1,2] The success of this procedure is directly dependent upon the optimal use of this capability. An adjustment […]

The Role of Physical Activity in the Management of Childhood Obesity
by Harry Pino, PhD and Alexis Smith, MS From the Obesity Consult Center, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts “To understand the obese child, one needs to remember that he accumulated his extra weight while living in a family that, wittingly or unwittingly, encouraged overeating and inactivity.”[1] INTRODUCTION By simply taking a look at children […]
The LAP-BAND AP™ System: The Platform Advances
by Paul E. O’Brien, MD Dr. O’Brien is from the Centre for Obesity Research and Education, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Background Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) has now been available through most of the world for more than 12 years with the introduction of the LAP-BAND® System in 1993.[1] By the mid-1990s, this approach […]
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