Category: Commentary
Depression after Bariatric Surgery: Triggers, Identification, Treatment, and Prevention
by Cynthia L. Alexander, PsyD

Navigating the Preauthorization Maze
by Susan Gallagher Camden, RN, MSN, WCON, PhD; and Anita Houle Susan Gallagher Camden, PhD, RN, MA, MSN, CBN, is from the Celebration Institute, Inc., Houston, Texas; Anita Houle is Insurance Authorization Specialist, Cleveland Clinic Florida Bariatric Institute, Weston, Florida. Introduction In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of weight […]

Therapists in Search of a Treatment Model: Adapting a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model for Eating Disorders to a Bariatric Surgery Population, Part 2
by Merle C. Goldberg, LCSW; and Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD Merle Goldberg is in private practice in Silver Spring, Maryland, and is co-author of Weight Loss Surgery: Is It Right For You and My Thin Excuse: Understanding, Recognizing and Overcoming Eating Disorders. Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD, is with Southeast Psychological Services in Charlotte, North Carolina. […]
An Event to Remember: Patients of Today, Models of Tomorrow
by Roseann DeLuca, BSN, RN Roseann is the Bariatric Coordinator, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York.

Managing Weight Gain in a Bariatric Program
by Tracy Martinez, RN, BSN Ms. Martinez is Program Coordinator of Wittgrove Bariatric Center, La Jolla, California. Introduction Morbid obesity is a chronic disease for which we have no cure. However; bariatric surgery is the most effective and powerful intervention currently known in medicine. Postoperative weight gain, however, is possible and will be seen by […]
Just Kids: A Multidisciplinary Look at Treating the Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Adolescent Patient
by Nancy Tkacz Browne, RN, MS, CPNP, CBN; Allen Browne, MD; Mark J. Holterman, MD; Ai-Xuan L. Holterman, MD; Nilda Nagle; Christiane Stahl, MD; Amanda Guide, RD; Susan Hollingsworth, PT; April Clark, PT; Kelly Piepenbrink, PT; Amy Phipps, RN, MS, CPNP; Barbara Sherrill, CMA; Larry Turner, Erin Tobin, LCSW; Lilia Gomez, CSR; Sandra Gomez; and […]

Rhabdomyolysis Following Bariatric Surgery
by Pedro Paulo Tanaka, MD and Jay B. Brodsky, MD Dr. Tanaka is Visiting Associate Professor (Anesthesia), Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Associate Professor (Anesthesia), Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil; and Dr. Brodsky is Professor (Anesthesia), Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine.
Therapists in Search of a Treatment Model: Adapting a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model for Eating Disorders to a Bariatric Surgery Population
by Merle C. Goldberg, LCSW; and Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD Merle Goldberg is in private practice in Silver Spring, Maryland, and is co-author of Weight Loss Surgery: Is It Right For You and My Thin Excuse: Understanding, Recognizing and Overcoming Eating Disorders. Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD, is with Southeast Psychological Services in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Exploring the Use of Mindful Eating Training in the Bariatric Population
by Terri Bly, PsyD; Megrette Fletcher Hammond, MEd, RD, CDE; Roger Thomson, PhD; and Paul Bagdade, PhD Terri Elofson Bly, PsyD, conducts preoperative psychological assessments for surgical weight loss programs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and leads several monthly bariatric support groups. Megrette Fletcher Hammond, MEd, RD, CDE, is a registered dietitian and diabetes educator […]
Surgical Site Infection In The Morbidly Obese Patient: A Review
by Anirban Gupta, MD; Michael A. Schweitzer, MD; Kimberley E. Steele, MD; Anne O. Lidor, MD; and Jerome Lyn-Sue, MD
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