Category: Letters to the Editor
Childhood/Adolescent Obesity and State Intervention—Parents Not Solely to Blame in the Battle
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: This letter is in response to the an article published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Ludwig and Murtagh entitled, “State intervention in life-threatening childhood obesity.”[1] As a frontline childhood obesity physician, I strongly disagree with the premise of this article.
Letters to the Editor: Surgeons Should Exercise Caution When Performing SILS
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: I was duly impressed with the advanced laparoscopic skills demonstrated by the authors of the article “Single-incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy” in your February 2011 edition of Bariatric Times. Their successful completion of a challenging operation safely testifies to their technical abilities.
Oral Iron Therapy is Not Always Sufficient for the Bariatric Patient Population
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: I read the November 2011 installment of the column “Nutritional Considerations for the Bariatric Patient,” entitled “Pica: An Ancient Disorder with Modern Casualties,” by Liz Goldenberg, MPH, RD, CDN. I was pleased to see the author present such an excellent overview of the management of iron deficiency in bariatric surgery, which […]

Letters to the Editor
Goodbye to the BMI Dear Bariatric Times Editor: At last—we finally have federal recognition that access to bariatric surgery should no longer be limited by an arbitrary body mass index (BMI=kg/m2)! On December 6, 2010, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel voted 8 to 2 in favor of approving an expanded […]
In this “Age of Transparency,” Consulting to Industry Does Not Necessarily Equal Bias
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: Thank you for the opportunity to ask my question on financial transparency to exiting ASMBS President Dr. Scott Shikora in this month’s issue of Bariatric Times (Please see Dr. Shikora’s exit interview). I asked Dr. Shikora the following question: In this age of “transparency,” as we continue to grow exponentially, and […]
Retrograde intussusception after bariatric surgery: How rare?
Letters to the Editor Dear Bariatric Times Editor: I recently read Dr. Hildago’s article—coauthored by you and published in the February issue of Bariatric Times—entitled “Small Bowel Complications after Malabsorptive Procedures: Internal Hernias, Obstructions, and Intussusceptions.”[1] I had several comments I wanted to make and hope you don’t mind my sharing them with you.
Letter to the Editor: Obesity Bias Affects Diabetes Management…
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: On January 23, 2008, the headline on the front page of the New York Times read, “Diabetes Study Favors Surgery to Treat Obese.” With front page news stories in addition to television newscasts reporting the benefit of surgical procedures for the treatment of diabetes, it is logical to assume that the […]
For the Record…
For the former members of the ASBS, the name change to ASMBS is just another consonant. For the rest of the world, it may be an epiphany…