Tag: Bariatric Center Spotlight
The Center for Surgical Weight Management at Gwinnett Medical Center Duluth
by Debra Proulx, RN, BHS, MBA, CBN Debra Proulx, RN, BHS, MBA, CBN, is the Director of Bariatric Services for Gwinnett Medical Center. She currently serves on the ASMBS Integrated Health Clinical Issues Committee. Bariatric Times. 2013;10(10):26–29.
Turkey Creek Medical Center Tennova Center for Surgical Weight Loss
Knoxville, Tennessee by Jessica Flanary, RN, BA, BSN, CBN

Northern Minnesota Weight Management Clinic at Deer River Health Care Center
by Carol Church, RN, MS, MA, CNS-BC

New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery
Knoxville, Tennessee by Jama Stinnett, LPN, CPH, Office Manager, New Life Center for Bariatric Surgery, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center
Houston, Texas by Trudy L. Ivins, RN, CBN Trudy Ivins, RN, CBN, is the Bariatric Program Director for Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center located in Houston, Texas. Bariatric Times. 2011;8(11):22–26

Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
by Jim Henry, RD, LD/N, and Noel N. Williams, MD, FRCSI Jim Henry is the Bariatric Program Coordinator, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Williams is a surgeon at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Bariatric Times. 2011;8(7):16–18 Welcome to the Penn Metabolic and Bariatric surgery program at the hospital of […]
NewStart Surgical Weight Management Program at St. Alexius Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri
by Kerrie Warne, Director, NewStart, St. Alexius Hospital Acknowledgment: The author would like to thank Ms. Stephanie Stemmler, media liason for St. Alexius Hospital, for her assistance with the preparation of this article.

Spotlight on the Obesity Treatment Center at Catholic Medical Center Manchester, New Hampshire
Spotlight on the Obesity Treatment Center at Catholic Medical Center Manchester, New Hampshire by Alison Olsen, MS, PA-C Ms. Olsen is Physician Assistant, Catholic Medical Center, Obesity Treatment Center/NH Surgical Specialists, Manchester, New Hampshire. Bariatric Times. 2011;8(1)22–25

Spotlight on the Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas
Spotlight on the Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas San Antonio, Texas by Melinda Hart Melinda Hart is part of the marketing team at Bariatric Medical Institute of Texas, San Antonio, Texas. Bariatric Times. 2010;7(9)22–25