Author Archive: BT Online Editor

A Comparison of Abdominal Computerized Tomography Versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Abdominal Pain after Gastric Bypass
by Ann M. Rogers, MD, and Jared Cappelli, RN, BS Ann Rogers, MD, is from The Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania. Jared Cappelli, RN, BS, is from Department of Surgery, The Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania. Bariatric Times. 2017;14(7):15–17. Funding: Funded by the Penn State Association of Family and […]

Applying Metabolic Surgery Research to the Type 1 Diabetes Treatment Algorithm: A Novel Hypothesis
An interview with: Esteban Varela, MD, FACS, FASMBS Professor of Surgery at University of Central Florida and Chair of Surgery at HCA Medical Center, Orlando, Florida, and Diabetes Surgery Institute, Bogota, Colombia Carlos Felipe Chaux, MD Bariatric Surgeon and Chief at Cirugia para la Obesidad, Bogota, Colombia, and Diabetes Surgery Institute, Bogota, Colombia In a […]

The ASMBS 2017 Election Season: The Future of Society
This column is dedicated to sharing the vast knowledge and opinions of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery leadership—past and present—on relevant topics in the field of bariatric surgery. This Month: The ASMBS 2017 Election Season: The Future of Society John M. Morton, MD, MPH, FACS, FASMBS John M. Morton, MD, MPH, FACS, FASMBS, […]

Integrated Health Offerings at IFSO 2017: 22nd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders
A Symposium Preview: 22nd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders London, United Kingdom August 29–September 2, 2017 by Mary O’Kane, RD, BSc (Hons), MSc, FBDA Mary O’Kane, RD, BSc (Hons), MSc, FBDA, is from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Dietetic Department, The General Infirmary at Leeds, Leeds, […]

Intravenous Micronutrient Therapy (IMNT) for Gastric Bypass Patients: A Solution to Complications of an Often Unrecognized Problem
A letter to the Editor from Dr. Terrence M. Fullum Terrence M. Fullum, MD, MBA, FACS, Professor of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine, Medical Director, Howard University Center for Wellness and Weight Loss Surgery, Washington, DC Funding: No funding was received for the preparation of this letter. Financial Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest […]

ASMBS Foundation News and Update—July 2017
by Connie Stillwell Ms. Stillwell is the Executive Director of the ASMBS Foundation. Walk from Obesity Updates. We want to recognize the four Walk from Obesity event locations that took place this spring. Together these locations raised over $30,000 to support obesity awareness, research, education, and access to care. Thank you to our event leaders, […]