Category: Brief Report

Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Fistulo-jejunostomy as a Salvage Procedure in Patients with Persistent Post-Sleeve Gastrectomy Fistula
by Haya Khalfan, MD; Antoine Younan, MD; Georges Khoury, MD; Michel Achkar, MD; and Elie K. Chouillard, MD, PhD

Taking the Battle for Access to Washington, DC
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), and Their Partners Educate Elected Officials and Policymakers on the Importance of Access to Bariatric Surgery by Joe Nadglowski Joe Nadglowski is President and CEO of the OAC and Executive Director of the ASMBS Foundation. Bariatric Times. 2011;8(11):14–15
Diabetes Surgery: What Have We Learned?
by Ricardo Cohen, MD Dr. Cohen is from the Center of Excellence of Bariatric Surgery and Metabolic Disorders, Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil Financial Disclosures: Dr. Cohen has no financial disclosures relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2010;7(4):23–25