Category: Case Report
Massive Portal Vein Thrombosis Three Weeks Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Bryce m. Bludevich, MS-IV; Sean M. Wrenn, MD; and Wasef Abu-Jaish, MD, FACS, FASMBS AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Bryce M. Bludevich, MSIV, and Sean M. Wrenn, MD, are from the Department of Surgery, University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington Vermont. Wasef Abu-Jaish MD, FACS, FASMBS, is Associate Professor of Surgery, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of […]
An Unusual Late Complication following Open Undivided Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
by Wasef Abu-Jaish, MD, FACS; Tristan McKnight, MS-III; Conor O’Neill, MD Dr. Abu-Jaish is from The University of Vermont College of Medicine and The University of Vermont Medical Center. Mr. McKnight is a third-year medical student at The University of Vermont College of Medicine. Dr. O’Neill is a PGY III surgical resident at The University […]

Late Onset Abdominal Pain After Gastric Bypass Due to a Rare Diagnosis—Jejuno-Jejunostomy Volvulus
by 2nd LT Solomon Tong, MS; LCDR Jesse Bandle, MD; and CDR Gordon G. Wisbach, MD, MBA AUTHOR AFFILIATION: 2nd LT Solomon Tong, MS, is from Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda Maryland. LCDR Jesse Bandle, MD, is Assistant Professor of Surgery, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences/F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine […]
Gastric Band Erosion into Colon and Stomach: Case Report and Review of the Literature
by Allison M. Barrett, MD, and Jonathan D. Klonsky, MD, FACS Drs. Allison M. Barrett and Jonathan D. Klonsky are from North Shore-LIJ, Hospital at Syosset, Syosset, New York. They are also Assistant Clinical Professors of Surgery, at Hofstra-North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, Hempstead, New York. ABSTRACT Gastric band erosion is a well-known though […]
Dysphagia Lusoria: Five Years Following Gastric Bypass Surgery
by Wasef Abu-Jaish MD, FACS; Molly Wasserman, MD; Mohammad Jafferji, MS-III; and Vishal Shah, MS-III Drs. Wasef Abu-Jaish and Molly Wasserman are from the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Fletcher Allen Health Care, Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery, Burlington, Vermont. Mohammad Jafferji and Vishal Shah are third-year medical students at University of Vermont College […]
Improvement of End-stage Renal Disease in an Obese Diabetic Patient After Gastric Bypass
by Ji Yeon Park, MD, and Yong Jin Kim, MD, PhD Drs. Park and Kim are from the Department of Surgery, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 140-887, Republic of Korea.
Endoscopic Removal of Eroded Gastric Band Using Standard Endoscopy Equipment
by Peter M. Bertin, DO, and Marc L. Costa, MD Drs. Bertin and Costa are from Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.