Category: In Memoriam

In Memoriam: Edward E. Mason, MD, PhD
October 16, 1920 – December 28, 2020 Dedication Messages Eric DeMaria: With the passing of Dr. Ed Mason, our specialty of metabolic and bariatric surgery has lost its father—the man who pioneered the concept of operating on the normal gastrointestinal (GI) tract to combat obesity. The resultant proliferation of procedures and exponential growth in our […]

In Memoriam: Harvey Sugerman, MD, FACS, FASMBS
Harvey J. Sugerman, 82, was one of the pioneers in the field of bariatric surgery and is responsible for founding Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD) in 2005, of which he remained the clinical editor-in-chief until his passing in August 2020. Dr. Sugerman served as the president of the American Society for Metabolic and […]

In Memoriam: Ronald “Ronnie” H. Clements, MD
by Wayne J. English, MD, FACS; D. Brandon Williams, MD, FACS; Matthew D. Spann, MD, FACS; and Chetan V. Aher, MD Wayne J. English, MD, FACS, is Associate Professor of Surgery and Director, Vanderbilt Center for Surgical Weight Loss, Nashville, Tennessee. D. Brandon Williams, MD, FACS, is Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of General Surgery, […]

In Memoriam: George L. Blackburn, MD, PhD
by Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS, FASMBS, and Angela M. Saba Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS, FASMBS, is Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School; Vice Chair, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Angela M. Saba is Managing Editor, Bariatric Times. Bariatric Times. 2017;14(3):10–11. It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our […]