Category: Original Research

Pregnancy after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
A Retrospective, Observational Study from a Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina by Lilia Cafaro, MD; Claudio González, MD; Marisa Andreoni, Lic.; Veronica Bottino, Lic.; Adriana Immerso, Lic.; Ethel Hantzsch, Lic.; María F. González Bagnes, BSc; Oscar Brasesco, MD Lilia Cafaro, MD; Marisa Andreoni, Lic; Veronica Bottino, Lic.; Adriana Immerso, Lic.; Ethel Hantzsch, Lic.; and Oscar […]
The At-risk Gastric Remnant Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
by Terrence M. Fullum, MD; Purnell Traverso, MD; Gezzer Ortega, MD, MpH; Kenedy Foryoung, BS; Tolulope A. Oyetunji, MD, MPH; and Edward E. Cornwell, III, MD All authors are from the Departments of Surgery, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, District of Columbia.
Does Intraoperative Gastric Band Adjustment to a Targeted Stoma Size Improve Weight Loss? One-year Results of a Feasibility Trial
by Robert G. Snow DO, FACOS, and John O’Dea, PhD Dr. Snow is from the American Institute of Gastric Banding, Hurst, Texas. Mr. O’Dea is from the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, and an employee of Crospon Ltd., Galway, Ireland.

Patient Management: Their Journey of Change
by Douglas Sutton, EdD, ARNP, NP-C; Deborah A. Raines, PhD, RN, ANEF; and Natalie Murphy, MSN, FNP-BC Introduction Weight reduction is the most obvious—and often most celebrated—outcome that results following bariatric surgery. As clinicians, we must be reminded that for our patients this physical metamorphosis has been many years in the making. While we often […]
Treatment of Leaks After Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Jacques Himpens, MD; Giovanni Dapri, MD; and Guy-Bernard Cadière, MD, PhD Dr. Himpens and Dr. Dapri are from St. Blasius Hospital Dendermonde and St. Pierre Hospital, Brussels, Belgium. Dr. Cadière is from St. Pierre Hospitial, Brussels, Belgium Introduction In Europe, sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is swiftly replacing adjustable band gastroplasty (ABG) as the most commonly […]

Laparoscopic Assisted Transvaginal Cholecystectomy (LATC) in a Series of 100 Patients
by Verena Mueller, MD; Matthias Federlein, MD;Klaus Gellert, MD; and Jens Burghardt, MD Drs. Mueller, Federlein, and Gellert are from the Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany. Dr. Burghardt is from the Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Evangelisch Freikirchliches Krankenhaus Rüdersdorf, Rüdersdorf, Germany.
What Bariatric Operation Would ASMBS Members Choose for Themselves? A Survey
by Hien Nguyen, MD; Kimberley Steele, MD; Anne Lidor, MD; and Michael Schweitzer, MD All from the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.