Category: Departments

Laparoscopic Conversion of Failed Gastric Bypass to Duodenal Switch
Manish Parikh, MD; and Michel Gagner, MD, FRCSC, FACS Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida Objective. To report preliminary outcomes after laparoscopic conversion of gastric bypass to biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch for weight loss failure. Design. Retrospective chart review. Setting. Academic tertiary referral center. Participants. Twelve patients with weight loss […]
An Event to Remember: Patients of Today, Models of Tomorrow
by Roseann DeLuca, BSN, RN Roseann is the Bariatric Coordinator, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York.

Obesity and Male Genitourinary Disorders
by Mostafa Elmissiry, MD; Ayman Mahdy, MD; Gamal Ghoniem, MD, FACS All authors are from Cleveland Clinic Florida.

Endoscopic Therapies for the Dilated Gastrojejunostomy and Gastric Pouch: How to Achieve Weight Loss After the “Honeymoon” Is Over
by Daniel M. Herron, MD and Adheesh Sabnis, MD Column Editor: Marc Bessler, MD The following is the first column in a series that will appear quarterly in Bariatric Times. This column will investigate current research in the surgical and clinical aspects of obesity treatment, and will educate bariatric care professionals on the most up-to-date, […]
Five Minutes with Robert Grant: The LAP-BAND AP® System
Robert E. Grant is the Corporate Vice President and President of Allergan Medical, a position he has held since joining Allergan in June of 2006.

Managing Weight Gain in a Bariatric Program
by Tracy Martinez, RN, BSN Ms. Martinez is Program Coordinator of Wittgrove Bariatric Center, La Jolla, California. Introduction Morbid obesity is a chronic disease for which we have no cure. However; bariatric surgery is the most effective and powerful intervention currently known in medicine. Postoperative weight gain, however, is possible and will be seen by […]
For the Record…
For the former members of the ASBS, the name change to ASMBS is just another consonant. For the rest of the world, it may be an epiphany…
Therapists in Search of a Treatment Model: Adapting a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model for Eating Disorders to a Bariatric Surgery Population, Part 2
by Merle C. Goldberg, LCSW; and Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD Merle Goldberg is in private practice in Silver Spring, Maryland, and is co-author of Weight Loss Surgery: Is It Right For You and My Thin Excuse: Understanding, Recognizing and Overcoming Eating Disorders. Heidi M. Limbrunner, PsyD, is with Southeast Psychological Services in Charlotte, North Carolina. […]
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