Category: Departments

ASMBS Foundation News and Update—February 2015
by Connie Stillwell Ms. Stillwell is the Executive Director of the ASMBS Foundation. Florida 2/22 Pedometer Challenge. The ASMBS Foundation has teamed up with the Florida State Chapter of the ASMBS to raise awareness of obesity in Florida this February. Healthcare providers, bariatric patients, and those affected by obesity will track their steps on February […]

A Comment on Checklists in Bariatric Surgery Vitamin Deficiency after Bariatric Surgery: Parts 1 and 2
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: This letter is in response to the Checklists in the Bariatric Surgery series, specifically Checklist #22 published in the July 2014 issue and Checklist #23 published in the August 2014 issue.[1,2] Since these two checklists were designed to equip bariatric providers with an easy reference guide to use when treating and […]

Do You Have the Right Guts? Obesity and the Gut Microbiome
This column is written by medical students and is dedicated to reviewing the science behind obesity and bariatric surgery. Column Editor: Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS, FACS Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Vice Chair, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts This month: Do You Have the Right Guts? Obesity and the Gut Microbiome […]

Moving: The New Exercise Prescription
This column is dedicated to covering a variety of topics relevant to the multidisciplinary care of the bariatric surgical patient. Column Editor: Christine Bauer, MSN, RN, CBN University of Maryland Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace, Maryland; President, American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health This month: Moving: The New Exercise Prescription by […]