Tag: cardiovascular disease

The “Obesity Paradox”—Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease
by Carl Lavie Jr., MD, FACC, FACP, FCCP Dr. Lavie is the Associate Editor and Cardiovascular Section Editor of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. He serves on over 50 editorial boards, including the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and American Journal of Cardiology. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts […]

The Increasing Prevalence and Dangerous Association Between Obesity and Atrial Fibrillation
This activity expired March 1, 2022. Tracy Martinez, RN, BSN, CBN Ms. Martinez is Department Editor of Integrated Health Continuing Education for Bariatric Times; and Program Director of Wittgrove Bariatric Center in Del Mar, California. A Message from the Department Editor Dear Colleagues: It is with great pleasure to present this month’s continuing education article, titled […]