Tag: Operating Room

Operating Room Set-up for Patients with Class III Obesity Who Undergo a Cesarean Section
by Rachelle Shirley, MD, DM(OG), FACOG; Rachel Hamilton, BKin, BScN; Kim Ngo, BScN; Catherine Agnotti, RN, BScN, MN; and Cynthia Maxwell, MD, FRCSC, DABOM Dr. Shirley is Clinical Fellow-Pregnancy Obesity Medicine and Surgery, Maternal Fetal Medicine Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sinai Health, University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ms. Hamilton is Clinical […]

Raising the Standard: The Effect of Operating Room Distractions and How Objective Data Can Identify Ways to Improve Surgeon Focus and Patient Outcomes
by Michelle P. Kallis, MD, PhD; Anthony Petrick, MD, FACS, FASMBS; and Dominick Gadaleta, MD, FACS, FASMBS Dr. Kallis is a General Surgery Resident at North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center of Hofstra/Northwell in Manhasset, New York. Dr. Petrick is Chief Quality Officer, Geisinger Clinic; Director of Bariatric and Foregut Surgery, […]