Tag: Overcoming Obesity

Overcoming Obesity: OMA’s Fall Conference to Offer the Latest Obesity Tools and Knowledge to Advance Obesity Outcomes
by Ethan Lazarus, MD, FOMA Dr. Lazarus is Director of the Clinical Nutrition Center in Greenwood Village, Colorado, and he is the current president of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) and serves as their delegate in the American Medical Association (AMA). Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant […]

Treating Obesity Across the Lifespan: Updates from the Obesity Medicine Association’s Overcoming Obesity Virtual Conference
by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA, DABOM Dr. Primack is Medical Bariatrician/Certified Medical Obesity Specialist/Co-medical Director, Scottsdale Weight Loss Center PLLC, in Scottsdale, Arizona, and President of the Obesity Medicine Association. FUNDING: No funding was provided. DISCLOSURES: Craig Primack is the President of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA). Bariatric Times. 2020;17(11):21 The Obesity Medicine […]