Tag: vitamins

YouTube® as a Source of Information on Healthy Weight Loss Plans: A Snapshot Analysis of Information Quality
by Elizabeth A. Klumpp Ms. Klumpp is Vice President and Editorial Director for Matrix Medical Communications in West Chester, Pennsylvania. FUNDING: No funding was provided for this article. DISCLOSURES: The author reports no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2019;16(2):20–21. Introduction According to Pew Research Center, eight out of […]

A Comment on Checklists in Bariatric Surgery Vitamin Deficiency after Bariatric Surgery: Parts 1 and 2
Dear Bariatric Times Editor: This letter is in response to the Checklists in the Bariatric Surgery series, specifically Checklist #22 published in the July 2014 issue and Checklist #23 published in the August 2014 issue.[1,2] Since these two checklists were designed to equip bariatric providers with an easy reference guide to use when treating and […]
Nutrition and the Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient: From Micronutrients to Dietary Patterns
by Jacqueline Jacques, ND, and Liz Goldenberg, MPH, RD, CDN Jacqueline Jacques is Chief Science Officer for Bariatric Advantage, and Liz Goldenberg is from New-York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell College of Medicine of Cornell University, Department of Surgery, New York, New York Bariatric Times. 2011;8(6):12–15