Category: Past Articles

ASMBS News and Update—July 2011
by Robin L. Blackstone, MD, FACS, FASMBS Dr. Blackstone is President of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and Medical Director, Scottsdale Healthcare Bariatric Center, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Book Review: Atlas of Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Reviewed by Sumesh Kaswan, MD; Jeffrey A. Gusenoff, MD; and Howard N. Langstein, MD Bariatric Times. 2011;8(6):11
Nutrition and the Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient: From Micronutrients to Dietary Patterns
by Jacqueline Jacques, ND, and Liz Goldenberg, MPH, RD, CDN Jacqueline Jacques is Chief Science Officer for Bariatric Advantage, and Liz Goldenberg is from New-York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell College of Medicine of Cornell University, Department of Surgery, New York, New York Bariatric Times. 2011;8(6):12–15

Working Port-Site Hernias: To Close or Not to Close? Does It Matter in the Obese?
The Hole in the Wall with Samuel Szomstein, MD, FACS This month’s topic: Working Port-Site Hernias: To Close or Not to Close? Does It Matter in the Obese? by Edward Phillips, MD, FACS; David Santos, MD; and Shirin Towfigh, MD, FACS Bariatric Times. 2011;8(6)24–30

Molecular Mechanisms Linking Obesity and Cancer
by George Bouras and Olga Tucker, MD, FRCS, FRCSI Mr. Bouras is Senior Specialist Registrar in Surgery, and Academic Department of Surgery, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Dr. Tucker is from Academic Department of Surgery, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Bariatric Times. 2011;8(6):16–19
ASMBS News and Update—June 2011
by Robin L. Blackstone, MD, FACS, FASMBS Dr. Blackstone is President-Elect of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and Medical Director, Scottsdale Healthcare Bariatric Center, Scottsdale, Arizona.