Category: Past Articles

Clinical Considerations and Recommendations for Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery
by Kim Delamont, NP, MSN, PNNP, WHCNP, CNM Author affiliation: Ms. Delamont is the Bariatric Director, Rose Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. Ms. Delamont created the the Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery Program and the Weight Management Programs for Teens and Young Adults at Rose Medical Center.

Ventral Hernias in Bariatric Surgery
The Hole in the Wall with Samuel Szomstein, MD, FACS This Month’s Featured Experts Mark D. Kligman, MD, FACS Director Center for Weight Management and Wellness, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Emanuele Lo Menzo, MD, PhD, FACS Center for Weight Management and Wellness, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland