News and Notes from the May 2021 Issue of BT

| May 1, 2021


Clinical Editor of Bariatric Times; Vice-Chair of Quality and Division Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.

Dear Friends and Readers,

Welcome to the May 2021 issue of Bariatric Times! As the Spring months begin to change the weather to warmer times, we are excited to provide you another issue of the journal full of new, interesting content.

To start the issue, we have a brief report from Melissa Santos, PhD, and Christine Finck, MD, titled “Support Group for Adolescents Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: Preliminary Data and Suggestions for Providers.” The authors tackle the less common topic of bariatric surgery in younger patients and analyze the results of a support group to determine how they felt about the procedure as a whole. Drs. Santos and Finck found that adolescents who attended two or more support groups in the first six months after surgery lost more weight than those who did not attend a support group at all or only attended one.

Next, we have another installment of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) State Chapter Spotlight, this month focusing on the Georgia chapter. Danny M. Vaughn, MD, FACS; Shaneeta Johnson, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS; and Renee Hilton, MD, discuss the chapter’s commitment to improving access to care. Additionally, they provide history on the chapter, which was originally founded in 2009.

After that, this month’s Raising the Standard column is titled “Extending Patient-centered Care via Digital Healthcare,” highilghting the difference between the country’s use of digital healthcare before COVID-19 to now, where it is a lot more prevalent. The authors note that many healthcare facilities were not properly equipped at the beginning of the pandemic to adequately treat their patient population virtually, but that the last year or so has led to great improvements in providing care to patients, some of which could have a lasting impact on the way that healthcare professionals treat in general.

Following that, we are republishing a Creative Commons article on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as we look to expand the content topics we provide in Bariatric Times. This article, titled, “Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes: Where Do Diabetologists Stand?” discusses the perspectives of physicians who are treating two common diseases in the United States (US)—diseases that are also common in patients with obesity.

Finally, we provide the Medical Methods in Obesity column, Journal Watch, News and Trends, Walter Pories’s Cartoon Corner, and other bites of information throughout the journal. Let us know if you have any feedback, and as always, we welcome submissions!


John M. Morton, MD, MPH, MHA, FACS, FASMBS, ABOM  

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