Tag: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Successful Endoscopic Closure of a Sleeve Gastrectomy Fistula by an Integrated Multidisciplinary Team: A Case Report
by Matthew J. Ashbrook, MD, MPH; R. Daniel Lawson, MD; Gordon G. Wisbach, MD, FACS, FASMBS; Jonathan R. Gower, MD; and Kyle D. Gadbois, MD, FACS, FASMBS Drs. Ashbrook, Wisbach, Gower, and Gadbois are with the Department of General Surgery, and Drs. Lawson, Wisbach, Gower, and Gadbois are also with the Combined Endoscopy Center, at […]

Jejunal Interposition as a Definitive Treatment for Gastric Fistula after Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Luis Fernando Zorrilla Núñez, MD; Pablo Gerardo Zorrilla Blanco, MD; Noé Núñez Jasso, MD; and Álvaro Tristán Peralta, MD Luis Fernando Zorrilla Núñez, MD; Pablo Gerardo Zorrilla Blanco, MD; Noé Núñez Jasso, MD; and Álvaro Tristán Peralta, MD, are from University Hospital, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: […]
Massive Portal Vein Thrombosis Three Weeks Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Bryce m. Bludevich, MS-IV; Sean M. Wrenn, MD; and Wasef Abu-Jaish, MD, FACS, FASMBS AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Bryce M. Bludevich, MSIV, and Sean M. Wrenn, MD, are from the Department of Surgery, University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington Vermont. Wasef Abu-Jaish MD, FACS, FASMBS, is Associate Professor of Surgery, The Robert Larner, M.D. College of […]

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
By Ismael Court, MD; Omar Bellorin, MD; Fernando Dip, MD; Christopher DuCoin, MD; Samuel Szomstein, MD, FACS; and Raul J. Rosenthal, MD, FACS All from the Bariatric & Metabolic Institute, Section of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, Florida Key words: Bariatric surgery, laparoscopy, morbid obesity, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy Introduction Surgery has […]