Author Archive: BT Online Editor

Weight Bias, Prejudice, and Stigma in Obesity—Still Among Us and Possibly Worse Than Ever!
by ADRIAN DAN, MD, FACS, FASMBS Dr. Dan is Medical Director, Weight Management Institute at Summa Health in Akron, Ohio, and Associate Professor of Surgery at Northeastern Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) in Rootstown, Ohio. FUNDING: No funding was provided. DISCLOSURES: The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Perspectives […]

IFSO: A Closer Look at a Global Network of Bariatric Surgeons, Part 3
TRACY MARTINEZ, RN, BSN, CBN IFSO Integrated Health Committee, Immediate Past Chair; Wittgrove Bariatric Center, Del Mar, California. MARY O’KANE, RD, MSc, FBDA IFSO Integrated Health Committee Chair; Consultant Dietitian, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust SILVIA LEITE FARIA, MSc, PhD IFSO Integrated Health Vice Chair; Post-doctoral researcher at University of Brasília, Gastrocirurgia de Brasilia Clinic, […]

Healthcare Rewards Help Incentivize Lifestyle Changes for Bariatric Surgery Patients
by MICHELLE FRESHWATER, MD, FOMA Dr. Freshwater is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Obesity Medicine Association. Bariatric Times. 2020;17(4):20. Bariatric surgeons understand better than almost anybody the impact that even a modest reduction of body weight can have on health outcomes.¹ They understand that weight loss doesn’t happen instantaneously, but incrementally […]
Robotics in Bariatric Surgery: Is the Hype Justified?
by RANA C. PULLATT, MD, MS, MRCS, FACS, FASMBS, and BENJAMIN L. WHITE, MD Dr. Pullatt is Professor of Surgery and Clinical Director Bariatric & Robotic Surgery at Medical University of South Carolina, as well as Director, Bariatric Surgery VISN-7 in Charleston, South Carolina. Dr. White is a Chief Resident in General Surgery at the […]
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