Category: Medical Methods in Obesity Treatment

Conference Preview: Overcoming Obesity 2021
by Ethan Lazarus, MD, FOMA Dr. Lazarus is the owner and physician at Clinical Nutrition Center in Greenwood Village, Colorado. He represents the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) in the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of […]

Eliminating Bias: How to Approach Pediatric Obesity Treatment
by Suzanne Cuda, MD, FOMA, FAAP Dr. Cuda is a Fellow of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA), has participated as an OMA committee member, and was the past Secretary/Treasurer for the Obesity Treatment Foundation. She is the primary author for the Pediatric Obesity Algorithm and the editor of the OMA Pediatric Self-Assessment program. Funding: No […]

The Latest Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Developments You Should Know About
by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA, Dipl. ABOM Dr. Primack is President of the Obesity Medicine Association and co-founder of Scottsdale Weight Loss Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2021;18(7):21 As the Obesity Medicine […]

Anti-obesity Medications: One Strategy to Treat Obesity Patients’ Overall Health
by Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FACE, FNLA Dr. Bays is Medical Director and President of the Louisville Metabolic and Atherosclerosis Research Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2021;18(6):21. Many weight loss programs and […]

Promote Behavioral Change with Motivational Interviewing
by Nicholas Pennings, DO, FOMA Dr. Pennings is an executive director of clinical education for the and a fellow of the Obesity Medicine Association. He is an associate professor and chair of family medicine at Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine (CUSOM), where he serves as the director of the Campbell University Health Center. Funding: […]

Obesity Medicine 2021 Virtual Conference: Treat Obesity First
by Craig Primack, MD, FACP, FAAP, FOMA Dr. Primack is co-director and co-founder of the Scottsdale Weight Loss Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the current President of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA). Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2021;18(4):20 […]

Obesity and Nutrition: How Bariatric Surgeons Can Advance Outcomes
by Sandra Christensen, MSN, ARNP, FOMA Ms. Christensen is a board-certified nurse practitioner and the owner of Integrative Medical Weight Management in Seattle, Washington. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: The author has no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article. Bariatric Times. 2021;18(3):20 National Nutrition Month reminds us of the important […]

2021 Obesity Algorithm Provides Updated Clinical Guidance to Obesity Specialists
by Harold Bays, MD, FOMA, FTOS, FACC, FNLA, FASPC Dr. Bays is Medical Director and President of the Louisville Metabolic and Atherosclerosis Research Center in Louisville, Kentucky, and the Chief Science Officer of the Obesity Medicine Association. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: Dr. Bays is the Chief Science Officer of the Obesity Medicine Association. […]

A Look Ahead at Obesity Medicine in 2021
by Ethan Lazarus, MD, FOMA Dr. Lazarus is President-Elect of the Obesity Medicine Association and runs Clinical Nutrition Center in Greenwood Village, Colorado. Funding: No funding was provided. Disclosures: Dr. Lazarus is the President-Elect of the Obesity Medicine Association. Bariatric Times. 2020;17(12):20 The culmination of another year offers clinicians a chance to reflect on the […]